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Bridging the Gap to Your Future

(by Amber Dembowski)

Have you ever had one of those days when positivity and inspiration feel completely out of reach? I had one just the other day. 

As a visionary, with Futuristic being one of my top Gallup strengths, I firmly believe that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. We create our future by envisioning it. At the same time, I believe in the power of gratitude. Appreciating what we have in the present keeps our minds and bodies healthy, reminding us of the good around us even during tough times.

Balancing these two beliefs—envisioning a better future while appreciating the present—can be challenging. They often seem to contradict each other.

Take my backyard, for example. I have a vision of a beautiful space: a classic miniature farmhouse-style chicken coop, a large screen for movie nights by the firepit, lush landscaping, and a hot tub deck. I have this vision so clearly that I pin pictures, research landscape companies, and know exactly what I want. Yet, when I step outside, all I see are overgrown trees, weeds, and worn-out furniture. 

Despite this, I feel thankful for a brief moment.  I’m thankful I have such a large backyard with so much possibility.  I’m thankful that even though I live in the middle of the city you would never know it as you’re sitting in the outdoor lounge chair staring out into the trees.

But as I continue to walk around trying to figure out where to begin with my backyard redo, the appreciation quickly turns to overwhelm. It becomes easier to start thinking about everything I don’t have and how I so desperately wish I did.  How I’m lacking in the funds to get there.  How I’m lacking the time to create it or sustain it.  How I’m lacking in the support or the shared vision.

The disparity between my vision and reality is overwhelming. It's easier to focus on what I lack—the funds, the time, the support—and this applies to many areas of my life beyond just my backyard.  This applies to my school life as well. Bridging the gap between the school I want to create and my current ability or knowledge to lead it down that path is hard to imagine.  So, often people stop imagining.  They stop envisioning what could be, and just accept what is.  These people call themselves realists, practical, and level-headed.

For some reason if someone, like me, is captivated by the future, inspired by the potential for a different way of doing things, a better school year, a reformed way to lead – they are often seen as naive, impractical, and with their head in the clouds. I’ve experienced this first hand. These perceptions can be tough to hear, but I accept them as part of being a visionary. 

The real struggle is when my futurism and gratitude seem at odds, and instead, it turns into a feeling of being overwhelmed.  This weekend, as I wrestled with this conflict and started pickling myself in self-doubt, I found myself in a negative mindset. To clear my head, I went for a drive, visiting neighborhoods with houses I once dreamed of living in. I realized those houses, even at their high prices, didn't appeal to me anymore. I preferred my own home.  I may not have the dream backyard yet, but I used to live in an apartment where a friend would call to check on me every time there was a shooting reported on the news because she was worried for my safety.  I am far from that life now.  I’m not where I want to be, but I’m far from that.  

I’m on the right path and I’m making progress.

It's easy to forget how far you've come when you're fixated on the future. But you must remember your progress and use it as fuel to keep moving forward. It’s so easy to forget the past, to forget where you came from and how much you’ve worked through to get to where you are today.  But you can’t forget!  Don’t live in those thoughts, but do vacation there from time to time, so that you remember where you started. 

It’s a balancing act many of us face. Here’s how you can align your dreams with gratitude and keep moving towards the life you want.

1. Embrace Your Vision: Being a visionary means seeing possibilities where others see challenges. Whether it's a dream backyard or a career goal, outline your vision clearly. Visualize the details and let them inspire you daily.

2. Cultivate Gratitude: Gratitude isn't just a mindset; it's a powerful tool for resilience. Appreciate what you have now—your current successes, surroundings, and relationships. This positivity will fuel your journey towards your vision.

3. Find Alignment, Not Conflict: It's natural for your dreams and your present circumstances to clash sometimes. Instead of seeing them as opposing forces, look for ways they complement each other. Every step towards your vision builds on what you have now.

4. Reflect on Progress: Take time regularly to acknowledge how far you've come. Celebrate your achievements, big and small. Reflecting on your journey boosts confidence and renews your determination.

Today, choose to step into your vision for the future by starting with a reflection of how far you've come as a teacher or school leader. And then celebrate your education journey. Let go of being level-headed for a moment and really celebrate! Turn on some music and dance, clink some glasses and make a toast, or write yourself a celebratory note.  You deserve to celebrate yourself!

The school life you want to create is not a fixed destination but a moving target. Believe in your strength and the possibility of your dreams. The path you're on has brought you forward, even if the progress seems slow.

You are here to achieve amazing things. You are unique, talented, and have something wonderful to offer your school community. Don't let others' perceptions or your own doubts derail you. Embrace your vision and gratitude, and know that clarity will come. Stay on your path to greatness.

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